Do you need free pet vaccines?
Petco Love Care advocates for pet health by providing affordable pet care, free pet vaccines, cancer resources, and other veterinary support.

Petco Love Gives Free Pet Vaccines to the Community
As part of Petco Love’s 1 million free pet vaccines initiative, Planned Pets of Georgia will be giving out free pet vaccines to all patients through the end of February. This includes patients coming in for surgeries, vaccine clinics, or our new wellness clinics.
Let’s make our pets our first priority.
Establish a vaccination routine
Preparation is key. Find your local clinic. Set a yearly calendar reminder. Make a plan to keep your pet up to date on vaccinations.
End preventable euthanasia
Pets are at risk for contracting common, deadly diseases, such as distemper, parvovirus, and panleukopenia. Vaccines reduce the likelihood of disease transmission and euthanasia.
Save money (and worry)
Vaccines are 100% cheaper than medical costs for deadly diseases. Seeing your pet live a happy, healthy life is priceless. That's our math.
Every pet family has a story. This is ours.
Petco Love was founded in 1999 as the Petco Foundation, formalizing Petco’s long-standing commitment to animal welfare.
In April 2021, we took an exciting leap forward with our name change to Petco Love.
We’ve saved millions of pets’ lives, but we’ve never wavered in our mission: to harness the power of love to make communities and pet families closer, stronger, and healthier.